
Our Curriculum

Our program integrates various childcare philosophies to create environments and experiences that engage children in active, creative, and meaningful exploration, play, and inquiry. Children’s curiosity and joy in play make ideas and skills meaningful. Play serves as the foundation of our curriculum because it offers numerous opportunities for interacting with others, exploring the world, problem-solving, identifying patterns, making predictions, testing them, and evaluating the results. Play captures children’s attention and provides challenges that are within the child’s capacity to master. The curriculum is designed based on observation of children’s skills, challenges, development, and interests. Educators set up provocations to pique children’s curiosity, facilitating educational and teachable moments. Educators share in the joy of each child’s achievements, promoting confidence and facilitating integration of learning. Through play, children learn about the social world and the world of things, hear and use language, and practice emerging numbers and literacy skills. Our programs are structured to ensure that activities and experiences are balanced and interspersed throughout the day to allow for periods of renewal, refreshment, and rest, as well as opportunities to address personal hygiene needs.

In this high-quality program experience, children engage in critical thinking, express feelings, establish a sense of fairness, build physical strength, and interact with peers and adults. They learn to cope with challenges, recover from distress, and develop strategies for self-regulation, contributing to their competent and flexible adaptation to change and stability in their lives. Continuity of learning is fundamental to our curriculum as we build upon families’ unique knowledge of their children and support reciprocal learning between home and the center. At our center, we cultivate communities that foster learning and development, recognizing that this occurs within the context of relationships among children, families, and educators.